Licensing reproductions
7 Extent of the license being granted
- In what forms may the work be reproduced? (For example, greetings cards/wrapping paper, poster, postcard, calendar, book, magazine, printed advertisement, website, CD Rom). Designs for greetings cards, wrapping paper and posters are seldom commissioned. Clients expect to be presented with a selection from which to choose and will usually expect to buy the copyright.
Payment for the reproduction of a book is by royalties with an advance. Book illustrations are paid with a flat fee. Book covers earn higher rates and licences should be limited to that particular edition.
Magazine illustrations are requested with tight deadlines. Illustrations are usually licensed for 'one use' in the magazine and payment will include the production of a rough.
Printed advertisement - work is negotiated through an agent. Fees should include provision for a limited number of roughs or alterations.
- What is the method of reproduction? (For example, four-colour process lithography, duotone).
- What is the size of the reproduction?
- What is the maximum permitted number of copies that can be made?
- Are there any other important details of the product in or on which the work is to be reproduced? To ensure quality of reproduction it may be important to specify aspects of the product on which the work is to be reproduced. For example, in the case of printed material the type of paper to be used for reproduction.